12 research outputs found

    A Study on Students’ Learning Inte rest in Blended Learning Method Through Edmodo to the Students of English Department at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University

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    Over the past few years, technology has grown to influence nearly every aspect of the education system.The development of Information technology has generated new environments called blended learning which combine the advantages of e- learning and traditional learning. Edmodo is one of the blended learning mediums which  has  been  used for teaching at  English  Department  of  Nusantara  PGRI Kediri University. The purpose of the present study was to examine the students’ learning styles and their views on blended learning. This study is a qualitative descriptive research which data collection was done by interviewing the lecturer, distributing questionnaires and interviewingthe students. Additional data were gathered from achievement scores of students; and records demonstrate students’ participation to–learning environment.   Results revealed that students have an interest in blended learning method through Edmodo both in the individual interest and situational interest also ease of using of the web environment, evaluation, face to face environment etc., differ according to their learning styles. Results also reveal on responds to face to face aspect of the Edmodo are available for iPhone and Android, the students can know the right answer of the assignment directly, it helps the extrovert students who are not active in class become more confident, the interface  looks  like  facebook,  the  students  can  get  the  information  and  new materials more fast. Process when students’ evaluation concerning the implementation  is  taken  to  consideration.  The  overall  findings  showed  no significant differences between students’ achievement level according to their learning style

    Improving Writing Skill with Questioning: A Path on Critical Thinking Skill

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    Driving students to be a critical thinker in their process of writing is hardly a challenge. As an effective process of writing depend on how well they develop their critical thinking skills, helping them build the critical thinking in writing is considered as a way to make a correct judgment independently and  create an environment that raises their best writing. The current study attempts to investigate whether the use of questions could generate students’ critical thinking in their writing process. The participants were 38 English Department students who encountered argumentative writing class in University degree. The subjects were assigned into a mix method on a quasi- experimental study involving pretest - posttest with some features of semi structured interview to know their level of satisfaction from the gained score. The results of the study showed that the significance of exploring questions in helping students’ critical thinking for meaningful learning, especially in the connectivity and coherency of their writing product and also the flow of the sentences. Moreover, the students are being actively involved in meaningful communicative language during the process of writing. This good engagement contributes for the positive classroom management.


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    Teaching and learning process since the pandemic time has shifted away from the traditional face to face classroom into online distance learning, and this will be undergo in the post pandemic. This case study aimed to investigate the effectiveness use of the combined modes of synchronous and asynchronous in e- language learning for university students. While both types of that learning approach have its importance in different scenario. The research questions to be answered in the study was how the adoption of synchronous (discussion activity platform) and asynchronous (learning content platform) would be more effective in e- language learning. 55 university participants from the second semester of English Department who joined the online creative writing class in synchronous and asynchronous language learning activity received the survey questionnaire as the sampling of the collected data. The data from the interview was also obtained to get the learners insights regarding the course experiences.The results showed that the applying of the combination approach in online learning has been greatly effective in helping the learners in terms of the community interaction and  material engagement. Moreover, the learners’ response about the using blended mode of synchronous and asynchronous for their learning is very positive. Some suggestions to enfold the problems over the online learning  are also provided

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Modul dan Media Ajar Berbasis Interactive Media Untuk Tenaga Pengajar Di Sekolah Perhotelan Neptune, Kediri

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      Teaching materials or often referred to as learning materials are the most important part in the learning process, the subject matter is the core of learning activities.Teachers in carrying out the learning process required a teaching material because it is used to assist teachers in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. One of the important problems faced by faculty in learning activities is choosing or determining teaching materials or appropriate learning materials in order to help students achieve competence.This dedication to the community is carried out in the NEPTUNE Kediri hospitality school located at Jl.KH. Hasyim Ashari No.49, Bandar Kidul Kediri. By conducting training on the development of teaching materials and teaching media based on interactive media to the teachers in NEPTUNE it is expected that these teachers can become a) competent teachers according to their field of knowledge, b) the teachers are expected to have the ability to develop teaching materials and teaching media appropriately to suit students' needs.Several meetings were held to present more appropriate materials to the teachers. So that the teachers will have the ability to understand what is needed by their students especially after they graduate from the NEPTUNE.  Teaching materials or often referred to as learning materials are the most important part in the learning process, the subject matter is the core of learning activities.Teachers in carrying out the learning process required a teaching material because it is used to assist teachers in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. One of the important problems faced by faculty in learning activities is choosing or determining teaching materials or appropriate learning materials in order to help students achieve competence.This dedication to the community is carried out in the NEPTUNE Kediri hospitality school located at Jl.KH. Hasyim Ashari No.49, Bandar Kidul Kediri. By conducting training on the development of teaching materials and teaching media based on interactive media to the teachers in NEPTUNE it is expected that these teachers can become a) competent teachers according to their field of knowledge, b) the teachers are expected to have the ability to develop teaching materials and teaching media appropriately to suit students' needs.Several meetings were held to present more appropriate materials to the teachers. So that the teachers will have the ability to understand what is needed by their students especially after they graduate from the NEPTUNE

    Melatih Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pemasaran Bagi Kelompok Usaha Bersama Batik Batu Mangga Di Kabupaten Kediri

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    Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa global yang penggunaanya telah diakui oleh masyarakat dunia untuk komunikasi antar bangsa. Dalam bidang bisnis atau usaha, bahasa memiliki peran sebagai alat komunikasi paling penting utamanya dalam berbagai jenis pemasaran. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam memasarkan hasil usaha haruslah bahasa yang baik dan menarik perhatian konsumen karena iklan yang baik dan pemasaran yang baik akan membantu keberhasilan suatu produk. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih komunikasi bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan pemasaran di sektor pariwisata khususnya di Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) Batik Batu mangga di kabupaten Kediri. Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode project based learning yang diawali dengan kegiatan presenting dan modelling mengenai English taglines dan speking performance tentang produk yang dijual sesuai dengan gramatika ucapan bahasa Inggris dan juga teks dialog bahasa Inggris tentang transaksi jual beli produk. Peserta pelatihan menyimak dan kemudian mempraktekan bagaimana mendesain English taglines yang menarik dan berlatih menggunakan ungkapan bahasa Inggris mengenai produk yang di jual. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan mampu membawa masyarakat di KUB Batik Mangga di kabupaten Kediri berani mempromosikan dan memasarkan produk batik mereka ke sektor pariwisata internasional baik dalam kegiatan pameran maupun transaksi jual beli secara online. &nbsp

    Pengaruh “Diskusi Whatsapp” sebagai Media Mahasiswa Membuat Kalimat Tanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Melihat sejauh mana pemanfaatan whatsapp sebagai tempat untuk mengekspresikan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam diskusi, bertanya, menjawab, mengerjakan yang ditugaskan oleh dosen pengampu; Melihat apakah program yang dibuat oleh dosen berhasil atau tidak; Merancang program baru yang efektif untuk membuat kemampuan mahasiswa menjadi semakin meningkat. Dalam penelitian kualitatif ini, di mana peneliti sekaligus dosen pengampu mengumpulkan semua data dari hasil pekerjaan yang dibuat oleh para mahasiswa pada tahun akademik 2020/2021. Sekaligus, objek penelitian adalah  para mahasiswa Bahasa Indonesia 1 kelas S3E Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta tahun akademik 2020/2021 semester genap. Hasil penelitian berupa Disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini dapat menjawab pertanyaan penelitian sebagai berikut Manfaat dari penggunaan forum diskusi perkuliahan menggunakan group whatsapp sebagai tempat untuk mengekspresikan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam membuat kalimat tanya yang ditugaskan oleh dosen pengampu, manfaat program yang dibuat oleh dosen dalam membuat kalimat tanya, merancang program baru yang efektif untuk membuat kemampuan mahasiswa membuat kalimat tanya menjadi semakin meningkat

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Digital Guru Bahasa Inggris Melalui Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini berupa edukasi literasi digital dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran interkatif bagi guru Bahasa Inggris SMP di Kabupaten Nganjuk. Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para guru Bahasa Inggris, Dengan dilaksanakannya keguatan PkM edukasi literasi digital ini diharapkan dapat mencapai tujuan sebagai berikut: 1) meningkatkan literasi digital dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif; 2) meningkatkan motivasi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris SMP di Kabupaten Nganjuk dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis digital sebagai bentuk inovasi pembelajaran; dan 3) meningkatkan keterampilan guru-guru Bahasa Inggris SMP di Kabupaten Nganjuk dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis digital sebagai bentuk inovasi pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini berupa: angket sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan, edukasi literasi digital (tutorial), dan penugasan. Rangkaian kegiatan PkM edukasi literasi digital pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif bagi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris SMP di Kabupaten Nganjuk berlangsung selama 5 bulan (Agustus – Desember 2021). Data tentang kemampuan literasi dan respon guru-guru diperoleh dengan memberikan angket tertutup sebelum dan sesudah tutorial